
Společné laboratoře a projekty

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Mladé talenty vynalézají budoucnost létání

Výzkum a vývoj leteckých produktů a služeb zítřka začíná tam, kde mladí talentovaní technici mohou rozvíjet své nápady s profesionálními lidmi, zařízením a vybavením přímo v univerzitním kampusu nebo v prostředí bohatém na technologie. Přesně to se děje ve všech našich laboratořích!



ComHeat-Lab logo


Partnerství s univerzitou ve Florencii
Společnost Avio Aero a katedra průmyslového inženýrství Florentské univerzity (UniFI) vytvořily společnou laboratoř s názvem ComHeat-Lab (Combustion & Heat Transfer Laboratory). Záměrem je podporovat technologický vývoj v oblasti spalování, výměny tepla a kapalinových systémů používaných ve spalovacích zařízeních a turbínách leteckých motorů.
EFB - Energy Factory Bari logo

EFB - Energy Factory Bari

Partnerství s polytechnikou v Bari
Společnost Avio Aero a Polytechnika Bari vytvořily integrovanou multidisciplinární laboratoř „Energy Factory Bari“ (EFB), která rozvíjí výzkumné aktivity a vývoj technologií v leteckém a energetickém sektoru. Laboratoř se nachází v areálu univerzity v Bari. Oblasti výzkumu zahrnují vysokorychlostní elektrické stroje, vysokofrekvenční měniče, řídicí systémy, mechaniku tekutin a konstrukci strojů.
Polonia Aero logo

Polonia Aero

Projekt zástupců polské vědy a leteckého průmyslu
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TAL - Doplňková laboratoř v Turíně logo

TAL - Doplňková laboratoř v Turíně

Partnerství s turínskou polytechnikou
Na základě dohody o partnerství mezi společnostmi Avio Aero a Politecnico di Torino byla založena doplňková laboratoř v Turíně. Laboratoř pokládá základy dlouhodobé spolupráce v oblasti strategických otázek pro letecký průmysl. Avio Aero a univerzita sdílejí – uvnitř kampusu – nejpokročilejší technologické scénáře a společně definují priority výzkumu.
Vývojové centrum Apulia Repair Development Center pro rozšířené opravy logo

Vývojové centrum Apulia Repair Development Center pro rozšířené opravy

Partnerství s polytechnikou v Bari
Společnost Avio Aero a polytechnika v Bari otevřely „Apulské vývojové centrum pro rozšířené opravy“ – laboratoř vytvořenou pro odborníky, výzkumné pracovníky a mladé postgraduální studenty, jejímž úkolem je vyvíjet inovativní postupy oprav součástí leteckých motorů s využitím technologií založených na systémech laserového nanášení a studeného nástřiku. V této laboratoři se identifikují, vyvíjejí a experimentálně ověřují inovativní postupy oprav. Po ukončení vývojové fáze mohou být tyto opravárenské procesy zavedeny v hlavních opravárenských stanicích přítomných v závodech společnosti Avio Aero, včetně té v Brindisi, která je určena k montáži a údržbě leteckých motorů.


Development CDS-000505

Agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development - European Union


European Regional Development Fund

ASSE I - Investment Priority 1b - Action 1.1.4

CDS_000505 Development Agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development approved with Determination of 30/03/2017

The proposed program, both in terms of Industrial Project and Technological R&D Development, foresees total investments of approximately 61 M€, 48 M€ of which related to Industrial Investment Project and 13 M€ circa for investments in Industrial Research and Experimental Development. The provisional financial support granted is approximately 18 M€, 12 M€ of which as a non-repayable on industrial investments and about 6 M€ for R&D Investments expense contribution.

The project, as mentioned above, aims at consolidating and innovating the activities carried out by the Avio Aero Pomigliano d'Arco plant for the production of combustion chambers, the production of turbine blades and for the overhaul of civil engine modules.

In particular, investments in materials asset envisaged is aimed at innovating machining technologies in order to increase production capacity and competitiveness.

Similarly, the Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities aim at the acquisition of strategic know-how:

  • On the development of innovative technologies for the combustor, in order to maintain and improve the global technological leadership for the core products;
  • In the field of mechanical machining, with expected benefits in the efficiency and productivity of transformation processes for products like the turbine blades being machined at the Avio Aero Pomigliano d'Arco plant;
  • On the optimization of industrial technologies for the production and maintenance of turbine components.

Download - Project results

















Methods of forming tapered holes in reverse flow combustion chambers:

Combustor to turbine interface sealing:


Agreement with the Piedmont Region

Project n. F/040007/00/X31 - CUP: B68I15000100008

“Technologies maturation and development for integration of a Turboprop Aircraft Engine system”

Achieved thanks to co-financing

Of the POR FESR Piedmont 2014-2020 ASSE I – Action I.1b.1

With the project proposal, Avio Aero intends to develop innovative technologies, know-how and skills for advanced engine architectures. The total investment for Avio Aero is around 38M€ in 4 years of activities.

Taking in consideration the next generation Small Turboprop architecture, the goal of the project is to make a step change in engine performance reducing economic and environmental impacts.

The main guidelines of the project are:

  • Engine system integration with part count reduction using Additive Manufacturing technology
  • Advance aero and thermal design of Power Turbine
  • Ultra-compact combustor
  • Control System development
  • GBX in Additive Manufacturing with the achievement of the first engine certification.

ll these goals have as aim:

  • The reduction of fuel consumption and operating costs of the propulsion system
  • The improvement of reliability and of safety for passengers.

SICO Project-PGN67O2

Agreement with the Apulia Region

Development of a Control System for Aero Engines and Aero derivatives

Operation co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development Apulia

POR Apulia 2014 - 2020 "Investing in your future"

ASSE I - Specific Objective 1 - Action 1.1 (R & S)

Program Contract with the Apulia Region, approved by resolution CMP / DEL / 2016/00042 of 22/12/2016

If the aeroengine is the technological heart of the aircraft, the control system can be considered as the brain of the engine, equipped with sensors and actuators.

The control system manages the engine’s operation in every phase of the in-flight service, avoiding the risk of stalling, combustor shutdown, over temperature conditions, over speed and over pressure. It also governs the necessary adaptations to sudden changes due to environmental conditions and the maneuvers of the aircraft, ensuring reliable performance.

Its "intelligence" lays in the control unit that, after acquiring different signals both internal and external from the engine, processes them providing the necessary instructions to change the settings. To do this, it uses a network of sensors to "understand" what happens and intervenes with the actuators in order to implement any adjustment. The actuators are driven through electric and fluid systems.

The SICO project focuses on the development of an innovative control system. The goal is the acquisition of multi-disciplinary knowledge, not available today in Apulia nor in Italy, for the creation of a comprehensive control system for aircraft engines characterized by high power and autonomy, also usable for unmanned aircraft.

The main drivers that guide the activities of the Industrial Research and the Experimental Development are:

  • the reduction of fuel consumption to minimize the environmental impact and the end-user operating costs of the aircraft
  • reliability, to increase the safety of passengers and the reduction of end user maintenance costs of the aircraft
  • the increase of the power available for the purpose of a greater operability of the aircraft.

The project activities will be verified through an important experimental campaign that involves the design and construction of two test benches:

  • the "Dry Rig" can be defined as a real-time simulator capable of simulating an aircraft engine and its accessories and will be used to test control logics;
  • The "Wet Rig" allow to verify the behavior of the control system taking into account both the physical and simulated signals of the engine and accessories.

The SICO Research and Development Project - subject of the Program Agreement between Avio Aero and the Apulia Region – started in May 2016 and will last 4 years. The Avio Aero Laboratory in Bari will be the main activities site.
The loan recognized is of € 16.5 Million euro on a total of € 29.3 Million costs.

Download - Project results
